Mr. Putter lived along, in the mornings he had no one to share his English muffins.
In the evenings he had no one to share his tea. And in the night there was no one Mr, Putter
could tell his stories to. And he had the most wonderful stories to tell.
All day long as Mr. Putter clipped his roses and fed his tulips and watered his trees, Mr. Putter
wished for some company.
Mr. Putter wanted a cat. Then he went to the pet store. Do you have cats? He asked the pet
store lady. "We have fourteen" she said. Mr. Putter was delighted, but when he looked into the
cage he was not.
"These are kittens," he said," I was hoping for a cat" "Oh, no one wants cats, sir" said the pet store lady. They are not cute. they are not peppy.
Mr. Putter went to the shelter, and asked to the shelter man, "Have you any cats?" We have a fat grey one. A thin black one and an old yellow one. Said the man, then he brought Mr. Putter the old yellow cat. And he took him and they lived togheter for long time.
In the evenings he had no one to share his tea. And in the night there was no one Mr, Putter
could tell his stories to. And he had the most wonderful stories to tell.
All day long as Mr. Putter clipped his roses and fed his tulips and watered his trees, Mr. Putter
wished for some company.
Mr. Putter wanted a cat. Then he went to the pet store. Do you have cats? He asked the pet
store lady. "We have fourteen" she said. Mr. Putter was delighted, but when he looked into the
cage he was not.
"These are kittens," he said," I was hoping for a cat" "Oh, no one wants cats, sir" said the pet store lady. They are not cute. they are not peppy.
Mr. Putter went to the shelter, and asked to the shelter man, "Have you any cats?" We have a fat grey one. A thin black one and an old yellow one. Said the man, then he brought Mr. Putter the old yellow cat. And he took him and they lived togheter for long time.
VERY nice, Arturo. Please remind me on Thursday that you need to REGISTER for this class - I just realized that you are not on my official list! (Don't ask me how that happened!)