Thursday, December 9, 2010

Maria Isabel.

This is the storie of Maria Isabel Salazar Lope'z from Puerto Rico and she just moved to a new school,also she knew it wasn't going to be easy starting a new school, especially when the school year had already begun. She was so afraid and nervous but her parents told her you will make a lot of new friends soon at the new school.
At her first day to school she tripped and fallen with a tree root on the sidewalk and the first thing she heard was laughter but she didn't care she just bent down to pick up her smushed up lunch bag, her knee hurt but she walked to the bus stop,when she get on it the kids steal laughing and chattering about her.
when she got the school she knew her new teacher who said hello to her, giving a warm smile, but it didn't make to feel her more comfortable, Maria Isabel Salazar lope'z said in spanish she would have added and she didn't know how to say that in English, so she kept quiet and handed the pink slip to her. Oh! Maria Lope'z the ticher said so we already have two Marias so we call you Mary Lopez, take a seat over by Martha Perez and lowered her eyes went there. A little while later the teacher gave her a tick book it had a picture of a Dolphing on the front, she love the sea and always dreamed of seeing a real Dolphing so she opened the book eagerly, on the inside the ticher handwriting was so neat and pretty her name and for her was olmost impossible that anyone could write so beautiful.

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