Tuesday, May 4, 2010

English makes me crazy.

Learning English drives my crazy.First of all, there is the computer lab.
There are so many programs to choose from, I can't decide what to do.
none of the programs seems exactly right for me.
they are either too difficult or too easy, I am supposed to write in my blog,
but I can't think of what to say plus, I keep forgetting my password.
Everyone else sems to be very busy, but I feel completely lost.
Later in class, my teacher talks to fast and doesn't use a textbook!
she introduces new things all the time, and I don't know what to expect.
Since there is no textbook, I can't tell if I making programs or not.
What chapter are we on? what is the page number? I don't Know, and it drives
me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Good job typing this! Change title to "drives"......
    NIce illustration, too.
